According to the City of Amsterdam...

...we opened our wine shop in 2020. But we'd say Benelux Wine Co began a year earlier, when we moved from Tokyo to Amsterdam.
🍇 We rented a car for a month & visited all the winemakers we could find within a day's drive of the city. We tasted some rad bottles, then started importing and sharing them with friends & neighbors.
We call that the beginning.
Or maybe it started much earlier, like 2012 harvest season in Bordeaux. Or maybe when we worked on that goat farm in Israel. Or perhaps that vineyard in Australia?
🌍 Whatever the case, here's our outlook: Think globally, drink locally.
In the end, we opened a shop to give other wine drinkers in Amsterdam that same power to discover and support small local producers.
Wanna join? Stop by the bottle shop to find something fun, or reserve a seat in our cozy tasting room. Until then, enjoy browsing! ✌️
Cheers friends,
Malory & AJ